Rico Wind
Ph.D Student

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1/2-2008 - Back from Singapore

Hello, and welcome to my web-site. I am a Ph.D student at Aalborg University in the Computer science department. I am part of the Center for Data Intensive Systems (Daisy) where I currently do research in database infrastructures for enabling context aware mobile services under the supervision of Professor Christian S. Jensen.
The project has its own web-site where you can find more information. A prototype of the system that I, among other people, am working on can be found at StreamSpin.com. The StreamSpin portal is an evolving platform for context aware mobile service delivery enabling users and service developers to easially develop and share new services.

  Current Activities
I was recently on leave for 3 months doing an internship at Google in California. Now I am working to finish my Ph.D. We are still working on improving the StreamSpin prototype. We are currently working on better API exposure of the streamspin API. We do this by implementing new programming specific libraries. Currently we have the following APIs: SOAP, HTTP, .Net and PHP. Last year the system was presented at The 8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'07) and The 6th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. At MDM we had a demo paper and and ITS we had a stand in the front hall and a technical paper in the Travelers Information Track.
Two years ago I went on my stay abroad in Singapore where I worked at the National University of Singapore(NUS) in the School of Computing.

  Previous Activities
As a master student I did a project on simple and realistic data generation for relational databases. You can find the tool we developed on data-generation.com. The tool was presented at VLDB 2006.

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I am not a web-designer so I found this layout on oswd.org which is a open source html template direcory.